Studio Card #6: The Hero’s Journey (Part III) – The Return

The Hero's Journey (Part III) The Return
Castaneda's Red Book: Part I, pg. 6
Brief This Studio Card production was developed by the Made Collaborative Studio as part of its comic series the Back of the Yards. With this Studio Card, we present you with a summary of the Hero's Journey, which is a framework that helped many to develop their own creative projects through the centuries and with that, it is our hope this summary may help participating youth with their own creative projects.
When The Made Collaborative Studio began as a modest grass roots project started by a ragtag group of participating artists in Chicago and was designed to provide a unique collaborative opportunity for after school programs and participating youth from our urban communities.
Who This Made Collaborative Studio project technically started over 10 years ago as only a kernel of an idea in the mind of the project’s founder on one of his many bus rides home and through much trial and error over the years, evolved into the Made Collaborative Studio virtual model that exists today.
Why The Made Collaborative Studio was created to help promote creative thought and provide a unique (and free) collaborative experience for afterschool programs and participating youth alike.

Phase #10: The Return

Castaneda's Red Book: Part I, pg. 6

The hero returns to the ordinary world or continues onward to an ultimate destination, but their trials aren’t over just yet. They are often pursued by a vengeful force that they must face.In the Lord of the Rings trilogy, this is where Gollum confronts Frodo at the ledge of the volcano and tries to take the Ring back from him.

Phase #11: The Resurrection

The hero emerges from the special world fundamentally changed by their experiences.

In The Lion King, Simba learns the truth that it was Scar who orchestrated Mufasa’s death. Simba throws Scar off Pride Rock in order to reclaim his place as king.  

Phase 12: The Return to Elixer

The hero brings with them the object of their quest, which they use to better the ordinary world in some way–whether it’s through knowledge, a cure, or some form of protection.

In The Matrix, armed with the knowledge of the truth, Neo delivers a message to the Matrix that he will save humanity.  

Let’ s Collaborate!

Table of Contents

Related Studio Cards

Who is…
Dan Dougherty?

Who is Dan Dougherty?

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Summary Traits
Core Personality Traits & Values
The Magician
Collaboration Background
Eric started working with Jimmy Briseno and Manny Dominguez in the very early days of this Made Collaborative project back in 2014, during initial meetings with youth in the after school programs of Chicago.
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Creating A Character (Part II)
Character Archetypes

Castaneda's Red Book: Part I, pg. 3

Studio Card #3 – Creating a Character (Part II)

QR Code for Studio Card #3 – Creating a Character (Part II)
This Studio Card production is part of the Back of the Yards comic series, a Creative Commons project produced by Made Collaborative Studio, and features Carl Jung’s Archetypes of the Unconscious Mind. This Studio Card sets forth the 12 primary character archetypes which we hope help participating youth with their own creative projects and ideas.
These 12 character archetypes can be used by participating youth for their own independent collaborations, just as they have been used by others throughout the course of time, from the ancient Greek plays to modern day Star Wars trilogies.
These character archetypes are important to understand because unlike character stereotypes, which are superficial generic generalizations, archetypes are said to have been deduced through the development of storytelling over tens of thousands of years, indicating repeating patterns of individual and group experience.
Character Archetypes can help one gain a better understanding and development of literary characters and stories for not only our Made Collaborative comic publications, but also independent collaborations of any participating youth and others.
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Who is…
Tamia Parker?

Studio Card #9: Who Is Tamia Parker?

QR Code for Studio Card #9: Who Is Tamia Parker?
Tamia Parker is a character developed as part of the Back of the Yards comic series, a Creative Commons project produced by Made Collaborative. Tamia is a young African American high school youth who learns more about herself as she experiences the pain of betrayal and lost love.
Core Personality Traits & Values
Tamia is extremely bright, curious, introspective and creative. She is an artist at heart, with empathy that forms connections with others in ways that she even doesn’t fully understand yet…
The Creator
“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” - Leonard Cohen
Collaboration Background
Tamia’s character was initially developed during the original Made Collaborative in-person classroom collaborations with youth in the fall and winter of 2013, as part of an after school program in the West-Side of Chicago.
Issue #1 of the Back of the Yards comic series
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Who is…
John Golden?

Who is John Golden?

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Summary Traits
John is a master illustrator who can take any transform any idea into illustrative magic. He is the owner of his own independent art studio, the Mortal Mirror Studio, and he was one of the early participating artists for Made Collaborative, his art featured in both Issues 1 and 2 of the Back of the Yards comic series.
Core Personality Traits & Values
John is smart, creative and always open for a new challenge. He hails from the great state of New York, moved to the windy city of Chicago, ending up where he is today in the mountain tops of Colorado, where he continues to apply his creativity to new creative projects. And if you'd like to collaborate with him, just hit the "Let's Collaborate" button on the left to start the conversation!
The Magician
John's Projects
John started working with Jimmy Briseno and Manny Dominguez in the very early days of this Made Collaborative project back in 2014, during initial meetings with youth in the after school programs of Chicago.
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Who is…
Len Kody?

Who is Len Kody?

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Storyteller, troublemaker and a native son of Chicago, Len Kody serves as the Creative Director and Chief of Marketing for the Made Collaborative Studio. Professionally, Len's career has seen many moons and seasons, including six years as a public school English Teacher in both Chicago and LA.
Core Personality Traits & Values
Made Collaborative's mission marries Len's most ardent aspirations with his prolific passions. He's a crusader and a creator who believes in the power of comics and creativity to change the world.
The Magician
“I can do this all day.”
Collaboration Background
As a writer, Len has been collaborating to create comics for casual consumption since he was a kid. His recent efforts include Chicago: 1968 (with Tony Maldonado) and Master Jesus (with Steve Bialik).
Project founder Jimmy Briseno tapped Len shortly after Made Collaborative's initial outreach to urban youth.
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Creating A Character (Part I)
The Basic Traits 

The Journey Begins

Studio Card #2: Creating A Character (Part I)

QR Code for Studio Card #2: Creating A Character (Part I)
Welcome to the Made Collaborative Studio! This Studio Card #2 represents your first step on a creative journey with us. We begin this collaborative virtual studio just as it began in a classroom in the West Side of Chicago years ago - by working with you to create your own original comic character.
As you might expect, creative collaboration is at the heart of the Made Collaborative Studio. We believe in sharing stories, intertwining ideas and giving a voice to participating urban youth and collaborators like you. ALL OF YOUR STORIES MATTER. And that's why we begin this virtual journey with the creation of your own original character, starting with the basics of your character's physical and personality traits!
This & That
The most intriguing submissions to this and all of our Studio Card may highlighted on our website. We'll showcase them on our "This & That" blog. And a few of you may also be invited to take part in one of our live studio workshop sessions that we will broadcast across the internet via Zoom. And ultimately we could bring your character to life within our "Back of the Yards" comic universe!
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Who is…
Erihii Nyamor?

Who is Eric Nyamor?

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Erihii Nyamor (aka Eric) keeps things grounded and real while being one of the team’s biggest dreamers. His anime-influenced art adds both vibrance and credibility to the project. Since the launch, he’s played a key role in artistic and character development.
Core Personality Traits & Values
Eric combines his passion for storytelling with a strong belief in the transformative power of art. He’s both a visionary and a collaborator, using creativity to connect and inspire.
The Creator
"No matter how hard or impossible it is, never lose sight of your goals."
Collaboration Background
Erihii has been creating dynamic art and characters for as long as he can remember. His recent projects include collaborations with the Nashville Black Market and illustrations for children's books across Tennessee.
Latest Work
Linked below you'll find Erihii's Instagram for the latest on work and appearances. Further info can also be found on his "I Can Draw" website. The Yas x Yen IG is a production journal of Nyamor's graphic novel in progress.
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Who is…

Studio Card #14: Who is Peaches?

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Peaches is a comic character developed as part of the Back of the Yards comic series, a Creative Commons project produced by the Made Collaborative Studio. For now, known only by his nickname, “Peaches,” he is one of the neighborhood’s “Elders” who observe and comment upon the activities of the younger folks. Peaches backstory is rich, deep and yet-to-be revealed!
Core Personality Traits & Values
Peaches is the dignified moral compass the Elders. Even though he is very much a realist, Peaches tends to see the best in people and he encourages them toward a righteous path.
Primary Archetype
The Mentor
“Though our destiny is now our own, our search for that destiny has only just begun.”
Collaboration Background
Peaches was developed by Jimmy Briseno and Len Kody as part of the initial Issue 1 scripting process.
Issue #1 of the Back of the Yards comic series
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Law Enforcement &
The Community

Source Card #13: Law Enforcement & The Community

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This collaborative series is a peek into the issues facing law enforcement and community relations within our urban communities.
We will begin Part I of this collaborative series with a snapshot of the early origins of modern day policing, setting the stage for a deeper dive into the present day issues in Part II of this series.
This Source Card overview begins with a look at a man named Robert Peel who may not be a household name to many of us, but as it turns out, in many ways he may well be the founding father of today’s modern day police force as we know it.
To facilitate a collaborative process that promotes just a little more understanding from all sides on a complicated set of issues facing our country’s urban centers. And along the way, with your help and input, incorporate some of these themes and issues into our Back of the Yards comic series.
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Who is…
Carl Castaneda?

Studio Card #11: Who is Carl Castaneda?

QR Code for Studio Card #11: Who is Carl Castaneda?
Carl Castaneda is a comic character developed as part of the Back of the Yards comic series; a Creative Commons project produced by the Made Collaborative Studio. Mr. Castañeda is a mysterious teacher and mentor who guides our main characters on their road to realization. Glimpses at his own foggy past reveal that he embarked on a similar journey long ago.
Core Personality Traits & Values
He clearly knows more than what he is saying, but the best teachers do not give they answers but merely point the way.
Primary Archetype
The Mentor
“Your dreams are part of the same primal energy that brings all existence into being!”
Collaboration Background
Mr. Castañeda is a character developed by Len Kody. He is a way of tying the various narratives and characters created by the first wave of participating youth as part of an after school program in the West-Side of Chicago.
Issue #2 of the Back of the Yards comic series
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Submit Your Artwork

Some special pieces may be selected to appear in the Back of the Yards comic book. iPad/iPhone users, submit images from FILES (NOT from Photo Library). 

Submit Your Artwork

Some special pieces may be selected to appear in the Back of the Yards comic book.


Submit Your Artwork

Some special pieces may be selected to appear in the Back of the Yards comic book.


Submit Your Artwork

Some special pieces may be selected to appear in the Back of the Yards comic book.


Submit Your Artwork

Some special pieces may be selected to appear in the Back of the Yards comic book.


Submit Your Artwork

Collaborate with professional artists by contributing some artwork of your own! Some special pieces may be selected to appear in the Back of the Yards comic book.